
We want to give you confidence with difficult clients by teaching you the psychology of what really goes on in your clients head when they are 'not listening’.


Named by her fans as the 'queen of colour' Sophia is one of the most in demand educators in the UK. She has worked across 10 countries worldwide helping hairdressers learn practical things they can actually take back to the salon. It's not just the creative side she loves, it's the business!
'It's all very well going to a course and seeing something really creative but if you can't use it back with your clients then what's the bloody point?'
Creative yet practical, Sophia kick started her colour career by winning the the L'0real colour Trophy. She now has many accolades to her name including Creative Head’s Colour Expert of the Year three times in a row meaning she can no longer enter and is put into the hall of fame with a Legend Award. @hiltonsophia

Here is where I go wild… I'm so certain that you will get your money's worth. I'm offering you a 100% money-back guarantee if you have not completed more than 25%, the course!
Even if I teach you half of what I promise you will have incredible value - I know it!
With things changing so fast, it's so important that you get up to date as soon as possible… so when It changes again you have a foundation!

How it works:
🌈 Add items to your basket and go to check out
🌈 Click on ‘payment plan’ and add your card details
🌈 Viola, you’ll be charged automatically via direct debit for the next 6 months
NOTE: You can add multiple courses to the same payment plan, just make sure to add them all to your basket before you checkout 💛
Yes, of course. The course is broken into 4 parts and I really recommend you space it out over at least 4 days. However, I can't stress enough that you must do this alone and in peace from distractions. It can be emotional and takes a lot of thought. Childcare if required) is a must if you really want to get the value you deserve.
You will have access to the course, videos and support materials for one month from the moment you pay.
All of our enrolments and paid content are purchased on a 'per person' basis and is not to be shared. This is strict in our term and conditions and something that can be monitored when logging in from different devices. Your login is unique and your own, and tracks your online journey.
You can make payment securely for content, online learning and in-person courses. You can use a credit/debit card.
We do not offer cancelations as this is a one off purchase that gives access to this course for one month paid up-front.
It will be in your inbox within 10 minutes, all you need to do is login and everything you need will be on your dashboard!